Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Converting audio cassettes to digital MP3 files

Jake Ludington has a nice article which described how one can record ones own podcast[ My guess is the term podcast came from Apples iPod and refers to making MP3 audio files available over the Web]. He descibes how one can use an open source program called Audacity and an associated plugin called LAME to record audio and save it in MP3 format.

These programs can also be used to convert audio cassettes to digital audio MP3 files. You can connect the audio out from your cassette player to the line in of the sound card in your PC or you could also record it via the Mic if you do not mind slightly degraded quality. I have many good cassettes which I am planning to convert to CD using Audacity since I have found tapes get damaged quickly.

Audacity is great and its free. However, I bought their T-shirt to show my appreciation and support for the Audacity developers.



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